Without measurements, we wouldn’t know if we were out of balance or underperforming. So, as a leader, who or what are you measuring yourself against? Instead of comparing yourself to dozens of buzzwords or personality dichotomies, the CoHero Leadership Profile is based on the inner-workings and requirements of transformational change. Most other leadership assessments gauge your leadership effectiveness as a percentile, or in relationship to the “average” respondent. This approach fails because it focuses on a comparison to an artificial “norm.” These models assume that leadership is static and that the aspects of our personality and leadership style can be distilled down to a statistical average. So, instead of an artificial benchmark, or insisting that you are either a leader or a follower, we recognize there are several types of leaders, with preferences that align with the fundamental operations of all organizations. If you are interested in our leadership assessment, please contact us.
ProfilesUnderstanding the CoHero Profiles requires first understanding that there are six “phases” that define the activities within all learning, and all learning organizations. Both individuals and organizations have natural preferences for, and are better at, specific phases in this learning cycle. And leadership roles are defined by the six tri-phase profiles, with each profile leading organizational functions within the associated phases.
AssessmentsOne of the biggest mistakes many leaders make is trying to be good (or even great) at everything. Our leadership assessment gives you the insights to make you a more effective and powerful leader by finding roles and situations that play to your strengths, focus on work you enjoy, and compensate for your challenges. It helps you see and understand how your strengths in one situation can become a liability in another.