The CoHero philosophy starts with this question: “If a leader is not leading change, then what are they leading?” Collaborative Change Leadership requires a deep understanding of the transformational change cycle, followed by insights into your individual and team preferences and strengths. Leading change starts with understanding change. Understanding change starts with the CoHero Change Cycle.
A Holistic ApproachThe CoHero Leadership Profile is designed to simultaneously support the needs of individual leaders and also leadership teams. We must all work on improving our individual abilities, and we must all work on our abilities to build and work on teams.
Strong Leaders. Powerful Teams. Extraordinary Results.
While there are leadership development tools that support either individual or team competencies, the CoHero Leadership Profile recognizes that collaborative leadership requires a holistic approach. The CoHero Leadership Profile helps individual leaders recognize their unique combination of strengths, and also helps leadership teams understand their gaps and overlaps which can create failure and frustration.
While other leadership development tools focus on providing feedback on weaknesses to work on, the CoHero Leadership Profile focuses first on knowing your natural strengths, as they align with the needs of every organization. Then, from this position of strength and alignment, a prioritization strategy can then be created to support your continued leadership development. |
A New ApproachThe approach to successful leadership has shifted over time, from authoritarian to collaborative. Yet the leadership development tools have not kept up with the pace of this progress. The CoHero Leadership Profile is based on the philosophy of a new approach to leadership, which recognizes our shift from an industrial economy towards a knowledge economy.